- +38(050) 234-56-78
Valeriia Rybak
Valeriia Rybak is coordinator of the Trial in simple words project, director of NGO Human Rights Vector.
Developed and coordinated the civic monitoring group OZON. Trainer on the subject of "The partnership of police and Society" in the professional training of units patrol the Interior Ministry (for Kyiv). Participant of international observation missions for peaceful assemblies in Russia and Armenia in 2013-2015. Organizer and trainer of the training program for the press secretaries of the courts. Thanks to the monitoring of judicial proceedings in Ukraine in 2013-2016 and the preparation of reports on the level of observance of the right to a fair trial in Ukraine, we succeeded in establishing the work of human rights defenders, lawyers, judicial authorities, judicial self-government and the introduction of a mechanism for the broadcasting of court sessions by technical by means of courts.