Viktor Palnuk
On the importance of my participation in the project Beginning 2014 on I am providing people with legal aid and I can see there is an increasing need in this kind of aid.
Very often I have experienced cases in which citizens didn’t understand entirely the judicial system per se, and its’ procedural moments inter alia. This lack of understanding generates unproductive myths that spread throughout the society.
Thus my goal in the project is rather of enlightening nature. As Lina Kostenko wrote: "People tend to see the world in the range of their problems." It is important for me to show the judicial trial from all sides. My conviction is that the understanding of the trial might restore confidence in the judicial system.
Lawyer, in Kyiv since 2009, graduated from the Ternopil National Economic University, specializing in jurisprudence.
- In 2011 - received a diploma of specialist from the Ivan Franko Lviv State National University Since 2012 – am conducting legal activity,
- 2014-2015 - military service (1st wave of mobilization);
- 2014 -2017 - lawyer-volunteer in the NGO "Legal100";
- 2015-2017 - advocate in Free Secondary Legal Aid System (civil and administrative cases).