Contest of journalistic works "Trial in Simple Words" 2020: participating materials
Journalistic works Contest «Trial in Human Words» 2020: participating materials / Nazarii Boyarskyi — K.: NGO «Human Rights Vector», 2020 — 26 p. The idea of the contest of journalistic works «Trial in Simple Words»: Nazarii Boyarskyi, Valeriya Rybak.
This publication brings together the works of journalists, bloggers and bloggers who took part in the competition of journalistic works «Trial in Human Words» in 2020. The materials are presented in accordance with the topics they cover, with links to the resource where they were published. The materials will help everyone to learn more about the current state of the judiciary, relevant issues, as well as immerse themselves in the world of judicial journalism, which is developing in Ukraine.
This publication brings together the works of journalists, bloggers and bloggers who took part in the competition of journalistic works «Trial in Human Words» in 2020. The materials are presented in accordance with the topics they cover, with links to the resource where they were published. The materials will help everyone to learn more about the current state of the judiciary, relevant issues, as well as immerse themselves in the world of judicial journalism, which is developing in Ukraine.
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