The advocacy school for community leaders in Ukraine and Sakartvelo actively continues its work

The Advocacy School for Public Leaders in Ukraine and Sakartvelo actively continues its work, and on October 17, the third training of the School will take place. During the event, we plan to discuss the role of civil society in European integration processes with Keti Bakhtadze, an experienced lawyer and defender of women's rights with extensive experience in the field of non-governmental organizations.
For now, we will talk about events that have already taken place within the School.
244 people from Ukraine applied to participate in the School, which is 8 candidates for 1 place. This once again emphasizes the necessity of the School's classes. To address this demand, on September 29, an additional activity was added for all registered participants of the School: a lecture by Oleksandra Romantsova, executive director of the “Civil Liberties Center”, “What is ‘ruscism’: history, tools, countermeasures.”We leave this material public, so you can familiarize yourself with the lecture at the link:
On October 1st, the first training for participants of the School took place — “Goals and vectors of human rights protection”, conducted by Oleksandra Romantsova.
During the event, Oleksandra delved into the history of human rights and discussed the concepts of freedom, equality, justice, and human dignity with the participants, using examples.
“All people are born free and equal in their dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act in relation to each other in the spirit of brotherhood” — the lecturer's quote from Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The second training took place on October 9, “Myths and facts about human rights and the work of non-profit organizations”.The trainer of the event was Salome Mezurnishvili, the founder and head of the Human Rights Development Fund, a member of the Committee on Human Rights and International Law of the Sakartvelo Bar Association, as well as an experienced and dedicated non-governmental sector specialist. Salome shared the experience of non-governmental organizations in Sakartvelian society, and also talked about the norms of international documents and their application in the implementation of human rights activities.
We are glad that we have the opportunity to work with international specialists and, taking into account their experience, create new conditions for the development of civil society in Ukraine and Sakartvelo. After all, the goal of the School is to attract people who can become coordinators/leaders for their communities in promoting the importance of European integration processes using innovative advocacy methods.
The online school is conducted by the NGO Human Rights Vector (Ukraine) in partnership with the NGO World of Tolerance (Sakartvelo) within the framework of the project “The role of human rights defenders in the European integration of Ukraine and Sakartvelo”, with the support of the Human Rights House Foundation and financed by the European Union.

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