In the courtroom
During January-February 2019 was conducted the All-Ukrainian Monitoring of the information content of the Courts of Appeal of Ukraine with materials that promote openness of justice and establish interaction with the media and the community. The monitoring was coordinated by the Human Rights Vector NGO and is part of a set of actions aimed at the development of the system of press services of courts in Ukraine. This publication was prepared in accordance with the data of this monitoring. A total of 31 courts of appeal were monitored. During the 37 monitoring visits, 32 court buildings were visited.
«In the courtroom: results of the nationwide monitoring of information content of the courts of appeals with materials that promote openness of justice and establishment of interaction with the media and the community, 2019» prepared within the framework of the project «Openness of Courts for the Media and the Public as a pledge of Rule of Law» of Human Rights ”with the support of the MATRA program (Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine). The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and may not reflect the views of the donor.
«In the courtroom: results of the nationwide monitoring of information content of the courts of appeals with materials that promote openness of justice and establishment of interaction with the media and the community, 2019» prepared within the framework of the project «Openness of Courts for the Media and the Public as a pledge of Rule of Law» of Human Rights ”with the support of the MATRA program (Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine). The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and may not reflect the views of the donor.
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