Announcement: Online advocacy school for community leaders in Ukraine and Sakartvelo

We invite you to the Onlineadvocacy school for community leaders in Ukraine and Sakartvelo, which will take place between 21 of September and 30 of October 2023. The goal of the school is to involve people who can serve as focal points for their communities in promoting the importance of EU integration processes in Ukraine and Sakartvelo using innovative advocacy methods. We are aiming to broaden a network of supporters and activists who pursue the same goal and build up a larger advocacy campaign to bust the myths and fears regarding civil society, and to elevate the level of public knowledge about the work of human rights defenders and NGOs.
The school will consist of 6 workshops on the following topics: 
* Purpose and vectors of human rights work
* Human rights. Myths and facts
* Role of non-governmental sector in the Eu Integration processes
* Advocacy and ways to work with narratives
* Advocacy in social media
* Multimedia tools in campaigning
Workshops will include theoretical information about the subject, practical parts where training technologies will be presented, tasks for independent work and mentoring by the experts along the course. Participants will be able to receive feedback on the home tasks, as well as to attend 3 meetings with mentors in order to ask questions, dive deeper into topics which they would like to focus on and seek advice for preparation of follow-up events. Through the online school, the project aims not only to spread the knowledge about the importance of the work of the human rights defenders and their contributions in European integration, but will develop a network of trainers who can pass this knowledge further in their communities.
The working languages of the school are Ukrainian and Georgian, with translation provided. Each workshop will last for 2,5 hours. 
We invite community leaders in a broad sense of this term: leaders of opinions in the universities, schools, religious and ethnic communities, young activists, influencers, bloggers, representatives of civil society, public speakers, etc.
In order to register, please fill out the form below by September 8: 
The online school is conducted by the World of Tolerance NGO(Sakartvelo)in partnership with the Human Rights Vector NGO(Ukraine)in the framework of the 'Role of Human Rights Defenders in EU Integration in Ukraine and Georgia' project with support fromHuman Rights House Foundationand funded by theEuropean Union.

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