The Role of Human Rights Defenders in Euro-Integration Processes - new project launch

Together with our partners in Sakartvelo, we are launching our new project aimed at highlighting the role of human rights defenders as part of the process towards European integration for both Sakartvelo and Ukraine. 
“The Role of Human Rights Defenders in Euro-Integration Processes”is a collaborative project between World Of Tolerance, Sakartvelo, and Human Rights Vector, Ukraine. 
The purpose of the project is to combat anti-human rights narratives in Ukrainian and Sakartvelan societiesthrough creating a network of human rights advocacy educators. We aim to raise the overall level of trust in human rights defenders and NGOs, and to demonstrate their importance in European integration by teaching community leaders about advocacy and campaigning methods.
In this project, we will conduct an online school for local community leaders in which the experts and project team will share theoretical knowledge about the work of human rights defenders and their contribution to European integration, as well as practical skills on advocacy and campaigning in order to spread the knowledge further in their communities. After the online school, participants will conduct follow-up workshops about ways of advocating for human rights and communicating the role of human rights defenders in the process of Euro-integration in their communities (schools, universities, minority centers, etc.) with the help of school mentors. In Sakartvelo, the project team will also pay visits to offline events organized by the school's alumni.
The issue of European integration is crucial for both Ukraine and Sakartvelo, moreover, it is reflected as the main development vector in both Ukraine’s and Sakartvelo’s Constitutions. The role of human rights organizations in the European integration process is also crucial at various levels: they take active part in law-making processes, conduct educational activities, advise various governmental institutions on community issues, enhance or even undertake the functions of state in support to vulnerable groups, facilitate and support civil participation of minority groups etc., which certainly influences the society in a positive way making it more resilient. 
The ultimate goals of this projectare A) to expand the circle of human rights educators, build connections between like-minded professionals and establish a community of human rights champions in Ukraine and Sakartvelo; B) to reach a wider audience, including communities from remote areas and vulnerable groups with the purpose of passing knowledge about human rights and ways to advocate for them; and C) to increase public awareness of various audiences in Sakartvelo and Ukraine about the positive role of human rights defenders in shaping democratic and human rights oriented statehood.

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