Human Rights Vector NGO launches the project “Helping those who help”

The long period of war, especially the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, caused catastrophic consequences in many areas. One of them, which affects and will affect the recovery of the country, is the psychological and mental health of people.
Currently, being in the war and further healing its wounds requires a complex approach along several vectors simultaneously: this is an interdisciplinary approach (provision of comprehensive aid by lawyers, psychologists, doctors, social workers, mediators, communicators, etc.) and an intraprofessional approach: providing psychological aid both to clients/patients, and those who help them, to the specialist themselves. This becomes a strategic task of prevention and/or overcoming of social and collective trauma.
The project activities will be aimed at increasing the resilience and capacity of representatives of helping professions by A) developing and conducting educational events, B) providing specialized psychological aid in supervision groups and practice reflection and mutual aid groups, C) holding public events and preparing materials on exchange of experience.
According to the project results, the number of specialists will be increased, who will be able to provide better aid to victims of war in current events and in the future in peacetime from other crisis events, such as natural disasters, to contribute to reconstruction/restoration both at the individual level, as well as families, groups, communities.
The project “Helping those who help” implemented by Human Rights Vector NGO with the financial support of the European Union within “The Stiykist’ Programme. The Stiykist’ Programme is a 30-month project funded by the European Union and run by ERIM in partnership with Black Sea Trust, East Europe Foundation, Human Rights House Foundation and Human Rights House Tbilisi. The project aims to strengthen the resilience and effectiveness of war affected CSOs and civil society actors affected by the war in Ukraine, including independent media and human rights defenders.”
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Human Rights Vector and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”

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